Environmental Toxins

Wirehaired Pointing Griffons are “mouthy” dogs. Puppies especially will explore everything within reach, and many mature dogs consider anything on the ground to be fair game. Puppies sometimes seem to be intensely searching for a way to go to the vet. This is said to be common in sporting breeds, but since WPG’s are of above average energy, one needs to be particularly aware of what the dog is exposed to. We will begin with environmental toxins.

Many of the products we use around our homes, lawns, cars, and even on our bodies can pose a health risk to pets that walk on them, lick them, chew them, and even possibly eat them. This is especially true for those pets living with an already compromised immune system. Common environmental toxins include:

• Lawn and garden products (fertilizers, weed killers, lawn care, swimming pool products, etc.)
• Pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc.)
• Household cleaners (chemical cleaning products, bleach, air fresheners, carpet cleaners, etc.)
• Construction materials (drywall, insulation, paints, varnishes, adhesives, etc.)
• Automotive products (antifreeze, brake fluid, lubricants, sealants, etc.)
• Batteries (especially battery fluids)
• Personal care products (antiperspirants, shampoos, hair sprays, etc.)
• Pet care products (insect repellent, cat litter, shampoos, etc.)
• Airborne pathogens (dust pollen, mold, bacteria, viruses, etc.)
• Water-borne pathogens (bacteria, viruses, algae, parasites, chemicals, etc.)
• Land pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, poisonous insects, toads, mushrooms, snakes, chemicals, etc.)

From The Canine Thyroid Epidemic:  Answers You Need for Your Dog ,W. Jean Dodds & Diana Laverdure @ 2011, Dogwise Publishing. Used with permission.

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