Canine Health Information Center (CHIC)
The Canine Health Information Center, also known as CHIC, is a centralized canine health database jointly sponsored by the AKC/Canine Health Foundation (AKC/CHF) and the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA).
CHIC Goals are:
• To work with parent clubs in the identification of health issues for which a central information system should be established.
• To establish and maintain a central health information system in a manner that will support research into canine disease and provide health information to owners and breeders.
• To establish scientifically valid diagnostic criteria for the acceptance of information into the database.
• To base the availability of information on individually identified dogs at the consent of the owner.
The CHIC program offers benefits to breeders, buyers, parent clubs, and researchers. AWPGA is a CHIC member parent club, and this organization provides for us:
• A source of reliable health information
• Help to track diseases and measure success in breeding healthy dogs
• Help for breeders to evaluate dogs to use in their breeding programs
• Help for buyers to pick breeders who do health testing and verifies that a pup’s parents have been screened
• Help for researchers to track incidence of health issues over generations of dogs and across breeds
A CHIC number is issued for a dog when all required tests for that breed are done. The AKC Breeder of Merit Program will also be adopting these criteria for breeders’ acceptance into the program. Required tests for AWPG are (1) Eye clearance,(2) hip dysplasia,(2) elbow dysplasia. See the OFA website ( for details on these tests, and how to get them. There are optional tests such as thyroid, heart, patellar luxation and more that you may also want to consider. AWPGA has been a CHIC member for over two years, and has over 40 CHIC dogs. As breeders and buyers become more aware of the value of this program there is likelihood that the number will increase.
The CHIC DNA Repository is co-sponsored by the OFA and the AKC/CHF. Storage of blood and corresponding genealogic and phenotypic information facilitate future research and testing aimed at reducing the incidence of inherited disease in dogs. Samples from diseased and healthy dogs are of equal importance.
At this time we have samples of 33 dogs, and would like to increase that number. If you have blood drawn from your dog for other reasons, it is a good time to take the opportunity to collect a sample for submission. For more information on the DNA repository, and how to participate, go to:
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